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Showing posts with label Tourism news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tourism news. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Why KKH road is called 8th wonder ? complete journey to see what's in it ?

Here we discuss Why Karakoram Highway is called 8th wonder of the world. what is strange in it?

The Karakoram Highway is the great road in the north of Pakistan that connects the beloved homeland with China. It is also known as "Karakoram Highway", N-35 and "Silk Road". It crosses the world's great mountain ranges, the Karakoram and the Himalayas. It is the highest international highway in the world. The KKH was completed in 1986 in a span of 20 years and was jointly built by Pakistan and China. While building it, 810 Pakistanis and 82 Chinese sacrificed their lives, making it the longest road in Pakistan. Its length is 1300 km. It starts from Chinese city Kashgar and starts from Khanjarab, Sost, Flea, Attaabad, Karimabad, Aliabad, Hunza, Nagar, Gilgit, Deniwar, Jaglot, Chilas, Dasu, Patan, Besham, Mansehra, Abbottabad, Haripur. Hoi Hassan meets Abdal at GT Road. The Indus River, Gilgit River, Hunza River, Ataabad Lake, many ancient carved rocks, cemeteries, monuments, peaks of Nanga Parbat and Rakapushi, numerous glaciers and suspension bridges are located along it. Thus, this highway is one of the routes of the world which has great political, social and cultural significance. The Karakoram Highway is built in a difficult mountainous area, so it is also called the eighth wonder of the world. So many people have traveled on this highway many times but everyone's observations are this video I will try to make you aware of the unique and unique aspects of all the areas where this road passes. Karakoram Highway was built after many sacrifices. It is learned that this highway used to start from Thakot district of Batgram but then it was extended to Hassan Abdal. Now it also includes a part of Hazara Motorway, but tourists like me get the feeling of Karakoram Road just by seeing Thakot Bridge, then Allah Pak has blessed the north of Pakistan with every blessing and beauty but If it were not for the Karakoram Highway, perhaps this beautiful face would have been hidden from the eyes of many of us. This road has proved to be a means of easily conveying the beauty and culture of Gilgit-Baltistan to us. Let's start our journey on this wonderful road and try to discover show you the beauty we have seen. The Karakoram Highway reaches Thakot through Hassan Abdal in the Punjab and the beautiful areas of Havelian, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Batgram and Buttal in the Hazara Division. Thakot is the last town of Batgram district after which Shangla district begins. Thakot is the place where Sher Darya, Lion River Sindh"( indus river) becomes your traveling companion and continues to do so until you get tired of it. You pass through Besham on the beautiful Chinese-built bridge of Thakot, which is the last major city on this route before Kohistan. Shortly afterwards, the Kohistan District begins. Kohistan is a vast area consisting of dry and barren mountains. It consists of Dir Kohistan, Swat Kohistan, Upper Kohistan, Lower Kohistan and Chilas Kohistan. It is a side-by-side mountain range characterized by barrenness and rugged mountains. we discussed and traveled to see. Chapters in this documentary All journey from Islamabad to Gilgit 2:00 Kohistan valley 03:50 Chillas 07:20 Thalpan rocks Dasu Chinese Graveyard 14:54 Nanga Perbat 10:11 Ferry Meadows Ancient Silk road 16:07


Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Damar Bhasha Dam Complete Analysis

The place for the Diamer Bhasha Dam is located in the "Thor village", about 40 km from Headquarters Chillas district, District Diamer. Daril and Tangir on the left side of the river Sindh, (Indus River )
which is the area of Sub-division Chausa and on the right side of the area,

the Chillas division is situated in the area of Karraqram Bhasha Nala, while the Dodshal is seen in the Kohli area of the police checkpoints on the opposite side of Darlal, although according to ancient records, Bhasha Nala The region is in the process of Chillas.

On the edge or on the back. Keeping in mind the physical and geographical features of the area, it comes in immediate understanding that the land around the proposed dam is very valuable. There is no spacious seamless space for human population and agricultural activities, here it is in mind that according to the local people, more than 31 villages and villages will be affected. 3115 The house has begun to reimburse Hong Kong from 2008 to reimbursement for alternative and 1500 acres of land will be stored in the reservoir. The construction of Diamer Bhasha dam makes threats to the ancient cultural heritage there. On the rocks there are pictures of Buddha Buddha on the rocks and there are many ancient rocky rocks in the upper parts of the Valley Sindh, whose universal significance is clear. An investigation team made a detailed visit to the rocky rocks on the proposed land for water reserves and Heidel Berg Yu Harald Hauptmann, professor of New Jersey and detailed talks about officials of WAPDA officials. Another research team intervened with local people in 2008. The rocks in upper rock and upper Sindh are situated in Chillas district district, which is a rare source for studying cultural and cultural history of Central and South Asian, and many of which are the oldest paths of ancient Silk Road. This material is being manufactured and disseminated under the guidance of Science and Environment Professor Harald Hauptmann. In the proposed area of ​​Diamer Bhasha Dam, in the 88 archaeological sites in which 68 shoulder rocks are compiled. Total 5,157 rocks and rocks are 36.187 shoulder things, which have 3610 letters of different languages ​​that are related to this area. The rocks and rocks of different sizes are spread across the river and the whole valley. Images from the earliest date on this rock are pictures of the camels until the arrival of Islam, especially there are Buddhist art there, which is the focus of the international world. Heidel Berg, a mission from the University of Yew New Zealand since 1989, brought experts archaeologists and geographical studyers into chassis, measuring, detailed reviews, photos taken and rated these shoulders and photos. The figures mentioned can be damaged by the construction of dam, how harmful it is to the cultural heritage and how many research and research doors are closed.

Sonuel Kot and Valley Valley Minhari story is a beautiful village of Sonaval Located in the junction of river Indus and Thor Nalaah. This village consists of 100 families. Village has large fruit trees and transparent water of water and sewage drains is lost in the Indus Sindh and loses its identity. These locals work gold, cattle feeding and farming, and their agricultural land will flow from 300 to 350 canals. This is their salary and these people do not want to live in the mountains. Similarly, another valley monastery is situated near the dam of the Dam. The wall will be only two kilos from the wall of the wall, all the six villages of the valley, Jaswam, Cheng Char , Norway, Namima, Baltwa and Nirmabi will flow in the reservoir. These settlers are about 100 years old and find gold. They do not have any authority over the forest, they earn limited options to use forest resources by paying a call. Valley is rich in fish and other water resources. People are fertile, people plant grain, vegetables and fruitful trees. People of Koswala Kot and Kanwar are saying that construction of dam makes Pakistan and Gilgit-Baltistan happy and prosperous, so we do not mind, we need a suitable compensation so that All of us settle together. We do not want to be separated, they have a serious concern and they think that there is no difference between us if we get lost. Do not hesitate to make us feel comfortable, people of the train are still waiting. They were powerful in every respect and we are neglected and weak. The fact that the government of Gilgit-Baltistan, Hilton Diamer and Action Committee, Diamer Bhasha Dam, have no plans for both these valleys and destruction. No one has any idea.

Some negative effects of Diamer Bhasha Dam:

There is no such process in the world, which has 100 percent positive impact. It is an intuitive order that Dam's construction plan is very spectacular and worthy of praise, but May May Dam's name was made controversial. It is also interesting to note that the construction of the dam will affect 80% of the third largest sub-division of Chillas and all the districts of Chillas and Darial and Tangir, the third largest and most backward district of Gilgit-Baltistan, will be affected by the village Kharni village, All the settlements of visual areas of Visual Nala, Ghana village, Thorur Nala, Hooda Village, Thilpant, Gas Bala, Gas Pine, Bonar Das, Dung Das, Jabalpur Village, Guner Farm, Shaheen Kot, Sonaval, and Goharabad and Rikshit Apart from this, agricultural land acquisition and deceptive geology will also be affected and the shaftal tirecope is around 80 to 150 kilometers high. Rakhram will also suffer from drowsiness that passes through the boundaries of the "district diamer".
Budha Ary Chillas

 According to field visit report October 2008, this storage area of ​​200 square kilometers will flow around 100 kilometer meter of Karram and the villages containing 28,000 population will be destroyed and will destroy the excavations of approximately 50,000 old rocks, Diamer Bhasha Dam,

According to WAPDA, 27 village dams will flow in the reservoir. These villages either on the banks of the river or on the edge of the river. Keeping in mind the physical and geographical features of the area, it comes in immediate understanding that the land around the proposed dam is very valuable. There is no spacious seamless space for human population and agricultural activities, here it is in mind that according to the local people, more than 31 villages and villages will be affected. 3115 The house has begun to reimburse Hong Kong after the government has started reimbursement from 2008 and 1500 acres of land will be stored in storage.

The construction of the Diamer Bhasha Dam brings great threat to ancient heritage. On the rocks there are pictures of Buddha Buddha on the rocks and there are many ancient rocky rocks in the upper parts of the Valley Sindh, whose universal significance is clear. An investigation team made a detailed visit to the rocky rocks on the proposed land for water reserves and Heidel Berg Yu Harald Hauptmann, professor of New Jersey and detailed talks about officials of WAPDA officials. Another research team intervened with local people in 2008. The rocks in upper rock and upper Sindh are situated in Chillas district district, which is a rare source for studying cultural and cultural history of ancient and southern Asia, and many of which have ancient heritage routes showcase.

This material is being constructed and crafted under the guidance of Academy of Sciences and Sciences of Harald Hauptmann in Germany. In the proposed area of ​​Diamer Bhasha Dam, in the 88 archaeological sites in which 68 shoulder rocks are compiled. Total 5,157 rocks and rocks are 36.187 shoulder things, which have 3610 letters of different languages ​​that are related to this area. The rocks and rocks of different sizes are spread across the river and the whole valley. Images from the earliest date on this rock are pictures of the camels until the arrival of Islam, especially there are Buddhist art there, which is the focus of the international world. Heidel Berg, a mission from the University of Yew New Zealand since 1989, brought experts archaeologists and geographical studyers into chassis, measuring, detailed reviews, photos taken and rated these shoulders and photos. The figures mentioned can be measured by how damages damages the cultural heritage and how many research and research doors are closed.

Diamer Bhasha Dam and Gilgit-Baltistan's Stance:

 After all the above mentioned things, now Gilgit-Baltistan The district diamar of particular is mentioned in some of the few reservations and demands of many people. There were protests and negotiations in various times regarding Ramadan. Attempts of Haji Gandal Shah and Elementatullah North are valuable. On February 2010, people of Chillas were protesting protest against their demands, the same police police opened fire on which three people were martyred and many were wounded, the protest process was tough, an action committee, whose chairman Mr. Atiullah is a contract between the Academy Action Committee and Huuku. We are going to tell you.1.1 Instead of 5 marriages for residential plot victims, one kanal should be fried. The plot plot has more than 6 kanals. Of these, victims can buy less according to custom and intention apart from special Quelifica C in the steam dam The victims will not be ignored for the daily everyday, and the victims will be preferred on the general opportunities of all jobs. Candidates from other areas of Gilgit-Baltistan will be given great advantage if there is no availability of the contract. 4. Return the courtesy of Sharpad Das within fifteen days

1. The land of land which is under the control of Dam in the Dam, left 50% of the government's non-compensation owners, now the government has set back land worth 1,50,000 per land.

2 In addition to the special Quelifica 3. As many as Siksha Dam will be present, the victims will not be ignored for daily care. And the victims will be preferred on the general opportunities of all jobs. In case of unrest availability, Gilgit Baltistan Other areas of the province will be prompted.

4. Shahpan Das's mausoleum will be reverted from court to fifteen days, which was given under the first agreement under the agreement, WAPDA will pay a regular fee, and thus the rest of the land will be compensated for the government.

5. 100% of Diamer Bhasha Dam's property is right only to Gilgit-Baltistan. And to end the dispute with Bondri

The commission will be formed under the head of the Supreme Court of Pakistan's neutral judge.

6. To provide electricity to the victims of Diamer Bhasha Dam, 50% discounted rate.

7. Chillas Development Authority should be established.

9. A committee will be formed under DC reconciliation committee, including WAPDA and a representative of the victims. The following will be the following duties.

1. If there is an error in the DAS's survey, then its accuracy and allow Land Aoquisition to be constructed temporarily if needed.

2. This principle also assumes that in case of compensation only, the land will be handed back and further that if there is a delay in compensation, it will be included in all the appropriate information.

3. 12-12-08-2004 judgment will be processed regarding respect to Das. Harappan Das's returns of Thunder and other lands which will be immediately connected with the desire of WAPDA. The government projects which were constructed in Harappan Das etc. were paid to the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan and there will be no responsibility for WAPDA.

Apart from this, the government has to accept the consensus and acceptable demands of the government, as well as fixed rates for commercial, agricultural, landlord and other land.

The future of Diamer Bhasha Dam and Gilgit-Baltistan:

Writing for the future of Gilgit-Baltistan regarding the construction of Diamar Bhasha dam, it is pre-written, we have an opportunity to analyze some aspects of thought and imagination. Educational Future can be written in detail about the Industrial Future (Industrial Future) and unemployment. There is a need to have a permanent pen on topics related to the subject, however shortening of the subject In general, a few words are assigned.

From the mentioned dam, the construction work of real estate staff, old government buildings can be opened and new government buildings can be brought into existence, and roads which are far from the basic needs of roads like electricity and electricity can be managed cheaply and efficiently. And to provide new schools in remote villages remote education, renovation of old schools and high school enrollment in colleges and Inter Colleges can provide affordable education to poor people. And gymnastics studies can be avoided from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and other cities, especially in the form of Schedule and Charter, according to the approved Schedule and Charter, namely, by establishing universities campus in all districts, Gilgit Baltistan Taliban sciences and tetanus artifacts can be saved from greatest depression. If the situation in establishing religious seminaries in such a manner will be helpful, the scholars will be able to serve the Muslims of Gilgit-Baltistan by establishing religious seminaries under the federal government, and establishing a positive passion of religion and basic principles of religion. You can guide them through their beliefs, and guide them with the right to education, socialism, secularism, preachers, scholars, scholars, lawyers, engineers, doctors, economists, politicians, writers, journalists, and others. Reggae will be born, which will create a unique and ideal society in Gilgit-Baltistan The universe is humble and intelligent

There will be hundreds of industries, factories and factories that will be economically affordable in industrial quantities, so that these industries and other governmental institutions will be given thousands of constitutions in the new purpose, which will include the specialty of young people of Gilgit-Baltistan. The winning segment will be able to get rid of the tragedy of unemployment, and they will be able to develop, fruitful flowers, bright future, successes of success, and they will be able to create stars, Iqbal's Shahin and Nanotavi's successes. Traders will expand their trade to Lakhan Kashghar, Kashmir, Chitral and other areas. It is possible that the government should approve the legitimate basic demands of the government of Gilgit-Baltistan, especially the "District Diamer" and do not adopt a dual policy with them. May Allah be with us.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

World's most beautiful Airport is in India ?

     Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 100th airport of India on Monday. It is            considered as the world's most beautiful airport.

    The third highest peak cornerstone of the world is in the skim located in the valley of Himalayas, and the borders of the state are found in Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal.

    The state's airport has been constructed 30 km from the state capital Gangotak and it is being       named Engineer of Engineering.

   Aadhaa is situated on the height of 4,000 ft above the surface sea over Paidong village and is spread  at 201 acres.

   Both sides of the 1.75 km long run are deeper fields. The terminal building has a capacity of  hundreds of people.

  The construction of the airport proved uninterrupted due to the weather here.

  During the construction ,the biggest problem was to carry heavy machinery to this area.

  Before building a airport, a high wall was erected, then filled the soil inside it, the entire airports     including the runways were built on it.

  Commercial flights will begin here on October 4.

  It is expected that this airport will promote tourist tourism.

Pictures Credit: BBC

Monday, 24 September 2018

Robot cars send new images of asteroids ryugu

A space car has sent this photo from the surface of the planet

Japan's space agency has taken two robots of vehicles on a planet and has made a new date and now the robot vehicles are sending pictures of planet surface to the ground.

Both of these vehicles were sent from the planet called Heabausa-2, which was chasing around a kilometer wide planet, 'Rio'.

These vehicles will measure the temperature of the planet and take pictures of it. Ryugu's gravity is very low which can easily bounce the vehicles there.

The Japanese space agency confirmed the week, 'Both vehicles are in good condition, are going on the planets and taking pictures.'

Hoyabusa-2 This year, June 2, a 32-year-old Rugo planet was reached after a three-year journey.

What is its importance

Earlier, the European Space Agency has dropped space space on a daunting star, but it is the first time the car has been mounted on a planet.

Planets are primarily from the remains of the system solar. 60 billion years ago, the saved material could not work in the form of planets and sunsets, making it a planet.

Riyo is a specially ancient planet, and research will be able to get information about the initial conditions of the solar system and the formation of the earth.

Wide angle and stereo cameras are installed in one kilograms of metallic vehicles, from which they are sending photos and photos back to the ground. In addition, they are also sensor that can measure the temperature of the surface of the planet.

These vehicles can run with the help of motors.

The surface of the planet is dark and it turns around its axis every three and seven hours.

On October 3, the Habibasa-2 spacecraft will be on the surface of the planet itself and will get samples of soil and rock.

After that, scientists will try to get samples from the bottom of the radius at the bottom of the surface.

Later the spacecraft will bring these samples to the ground in 2020 so that they can be studied further.

Friday, 21 September 2018

30 Passengers were injured in the mistake of flight pilots in India during flight

More than 30 passengers started bleeding due to the flight pilot of India. He did not switch on the device that maintain air pressure .

Jet Airways's flight 9W 697 was going from Jay Pur to Mumbai, and a short time after the flight had to be returned to the plane.

Travelers traveling in the plane posted videos on Twitter, which can be seen for the oxygen masks
for travelers.

The Boeing 737 ship of Jet Airways had 166 passengers. The Civil Aviation Minister says the ship's staff has been removed from duty and is being investigated.

Passenger Dashkent Hathi tweeted a video from inside the plane, which can be seen that the oxygen mask came out after the air pressure decreased.

Another traveler, Satish Nair, has tweeted a picture in which he himself is bleeding from his nose
and complains with the airline completely ignoring the safety of the passengers.

Linda Gupta, a senior civil aviation surveillance officer in India, told the Indian newspaper India Times, that the plane had forgotten to switch the air pressure on the flight plane during the ship.

Jet Airways said in a statement that the air pressure inside the cabin dropped due to low air pressure and was shy at the discomfort of the passengers.

According to the statement, 166 passengers and 5 members of the staff were riding in Boeing 737, and the flight was safely migrated to Mumbai and passengers were transferred to the terminal, where these passengers were given initial aid to the blood and ear nose. Had it

In January, two pilots had landed in jet airways after the information that the cocktail was fought during London from Mumbai to Mumbai. There were 324 passengers riding on this flight and it
was landed safely.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

UNWTO Conference in Valladolid to Discuss Innovative Tourism Experiences in Urban Destinations

Madrid, Spain, 19 September 2018 - Innovation, travelerS demand for diverse and authentic experiences in cities, and urban tourism governance models will be the central themes of the “UNWTO Conference on City Breaks: Creating Innovative Experiences”, to be held in Validation, Spain, on October,15-16  2018.

The conference will address the future of urban tourism, with special emphasis on current challenges, technology, governance and public-private partnership models, as well as generating opportunities along the entire tourism value chain of the city and integrating gastronomy and wine tourism in urban experiences.
City tourism is one of the fastest-growing segments in the world. It attracts both business and leisure travelers, generating income that supports socioeconomic and cultural development. In recent years, the growing popularity of city breaks has opened many urban destinations to new markets and segments, increasing the number of visitors, mainly in Europe. With the growing demand for urban tourism, it becomes crucial to guarantee the quality of tourists’ experiences, while at the same time reflecting on key issues such as sustainability, accessibility, connectivity, and infrastructure, as well as dispersing tourism.
The conference will be attended by representatives from cities such as Graz (Austria), Lisbon (Portugal), Turin (Italy) and Seville (Spain), and will serve as a platform for exchanging experiences and perspectives on the positioning of urban destinations, as well as learning how to manage emerging challenges.
The event will take place in Validation, a well-known urban destination in Spain that is firmly committed to a tourism strategy that prominently features adventure, wine and cultural tourism, among other segments.

Monday, 10 September 2018

France announced opportunity to apply EU Blue card . Apply Online

We are going to tell you  a good news about the new announcement of Europium Blue card for France. That you can apply online without Huge bank statements .
France is the second economy in Europe, after Germany. Important industrial sectors in France are telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, ship building and vehicle production.  The Energy sector accounts for numerous jobs. Debts account for 12% of household assets, which is considered relatively low.


Some 66 million people live in the France Republic. 2.7 million of these people live in French overseas territories, e.g. French Guiana.
In the years after WWII there was tremendous economic growth, this led to an increased demand for workers to fill the numerous job openings. Employers quickly found new employees in former French colonies, mainly in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. To date, this accounts for a migration figure of 1.6 million persons from North African countries. France is an immigration country with a relatively high fertility rate of 2.01. Immigration accounts for one quarter of the population growth.


A standard working week for regular jobs in France is 35 hours. The idea behind the short working week is that it would lead to more people getting hired. So far statistics do not prove this theory, this is mainly blamed on the fact that it is difficult for employers to lay off people when faced with an economic downturn. As with many western countries, traditionally, there has been a shortage of highly skilled professionals.
Working in France
France participates in the EU Blue Card scheme. For highly qualified workers, the Blue Card is the exclusive choice.

Blue card Procedure and Eligibility Criteria

You must have an employment contract valid for at least 12 months and a salary of at least 1.5 times, the average salary set for the specific year (53 836,50 Euro gross per year, from 20th June 2016.
You must also have a university or specialised college degree showing completion of at least three years study. Alternatively, you can prove your qualifications by proving you have at least five years relevant work experience.


You have to apply for a passport talent residence permit with the remark EU Blue Card at the French consulate in your country of origin, from India, Pakistan.
Simultaneously you have to apply for a long term visa.
NOTE: You are exempt from requiring a long stay visa and can directly apply for an EU Blue Card at the Prefecture where you live (Procedure link given in Description) , on the conditions:

  •   Reside legally in France with another residence permit, or
  •    Have an EU Blue Card issued by another EU country where you have lived for at least 18 months. In this case, you must apply for a new EU Blue Card at the Prefecture in your place of residence within one month of your arrival in France.

As a blue card holder, you may obtain an EU long-term residence permit after five years of uninterrupted stay in the EU, provided residence was based on the blue card and you have resided continuously in France for the last two years.
During the required five years of continuous residence, a maximum absence of 12 consecutive months and 18 months in total is allowed.
French immigration will check the employment contract against the conditions for issuance of an EU Blue Card and will also verify that the employer complies with labour regulations and conditions of employment.

How Can You Apply Online for EU Blue Card for France ?

You can go straight to , and submit the scanned copies that that documents.


Saturday, 8 September 2018

World's most popular tourist destinations 2017, Their Tourism revenue (and their future rivals)

Those hoping their favorite global city will be a bit less crowded the next time they visit are in for a disappointment.
International tourism growth shows no signs of slowing, according to the just-released United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2018 Tourism Highlights Report.
Global tourist arrivals grew 6.8% in 2017, hitting 1.32 billion. That's 84 million more travelers than the previous year, the highest increase since the 2009 global economic crisis hit.
Though this means those crowds around the Mona Lisa won't be thinning at the Louvre any time soon, it's good news for a number of destinations that have been suffering from security challenges or recovering from natural disasters in recent years.
The report attributes the growth to an economic upswing, resulting in strong outbound demand from major source markets. Simply put, many of us have more money to burn on plane tickets.
"The recovery of outbound demand from Brazil and the Russian Federation after a few years of decline and the ongoing rise of India, also contributed to inbound growth in many destinations," says the report.
And things aren't slowing down, either. Available data for early 2018 shows a year-on-year increase of 6% in arrivals between January and April, says the UNWTO.
International Tourist Arrivals in 2017
So which countries attracted the lion's share of those travelers? France leads the way, receiving 86.7 million international tourists in 2017, followed by Spain at 81.8 million.
Here's the top 10:
1. France -- 86.9 million
2. Spain -- 81.8 million
3. United States -- 75.9 million
4. China -- 60.7 million
5. Italy -- 58.3 million
6. Mexico -- 39.3 million
7. United Kingdom -- 37.7 million
8. Turkey -- 37.6 million
9. Germany -- 37.5 million
10. Thailand -- 35.4 million
11. Pakistan 1.7 millons

The above list focuses purely on arrival numbers, not to be confused with tourism receipts -- the amount international inbound visitors spent, including payments to national carriers for international transport.
When it comes to cash, the United States received the most of it -- $210.7 billion -- in 2017. Rounding out the top 10 are Spain, France, Thailand, UK, Italy, Australia, Germany, Macau (China) and Japan.
As for which country's citizens spent the most in 2017, China continues to lead global outbound travel expenditures, spending a whopping $257.7 billion in 2017.
Coming in second is the United States, with its citizens spending $135 billion while traveling abroad last year. It's followed by Germany, the UK, France, Australia, Canada, Russia, South Korea and Italy.
Fastest growing tourist destinations in 2017
iceland blue lagoon
northern mariana islands
everest tease
06 Phil Keoghan destinations
palestine tourism
Vietnam tour_VTM4368
San Marino
06 amazing places africa - pyramids
World's 10 fastest-growing tourist destinations: The UN's latest Tourism Highlights Report sheds some light on the fastest-growing tourist destinations in 2017, based on international arrivals. Iceland, with a 24.1% increase from 2016, just missed the top 10 (it ranked 11th, tied with Turkey). Click through to see the top 10 fastest-growing tourist destinations, based on available data.
The biggest surprises can be found in the list of the fastest-growing tourist destinations in 2017, based on available data.
Egypt continues to recover from recent years of political unrest, leading the way with growth of 55.1% in 2017 international arrivals over the previous year.
"Visitor numbers rebounded from both traditional markets in Western Europe and emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia," says the report of Egypt's big comeback. "Promotional efforts and a return of confidence contributed to this recovery."
Other up-and-comers on the list include Vietnam, Georgia and Nepal:
1. Egypt -- 55.1%
2. Togo -- 46.7 0%
3. San Marino -- 31.1%
4. Vietnam -- 29.1%
5. Georgia -- 27.9%
6. Palestinian territories -- 25.7%
7. Niue -- 25.4%
8. Nepal -- 24.9
9. Israel -- 24.6%
10. Northern Mariana Islands -- 24.3%
For more facts and figures on international tourism in 2017, check out the full UNWTO report here.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Hotels and Motels Rates for Tourists to Northern Pakistan from PTDC

Pakistan tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) has announced new Hotels and Motels Rates for Tourists to Northern Pakistan in 2018.The places given bellow: they issued notice about it we are showing bellow.

Name of Motel         Single Occupancy (Rate PKR)       Double Accountancy ( Rate PKR)
      Economy room                 3000                                      3500
      Standrad Room                 5500                                              6500
      Delux room                       7000                                          8000
        Executive room                12000                                             -

Balakot                                   35000                                            4000

Booni                                      3600                                           4200

Bamburait                               45000                                        5500
Starndrad Room                4000                                           4500
Delux room                               5500                                           6500

Standrad room                  2000                                          3000

Chatter Plain                            2000                                            2500

Standrad                           3000                                         3500
Delux 4000 5000

Gupis Hunza
Standrad 3000 3500
Delux 4000 5500

Standrad 3500 4000
Delux 6000

Mastuj 3500 4500

Khaplu 3500 4500
           Extra Matress RS 800 per Matress
           All rate are exclusive of tax
PTDC Notice

PTDC Notice

 If you are facing a problems regarding rates (Tariff) you can contact on bellow numbers and emails

051 9208949
Ayubia: 0992 359004
Balakot:  0997 500208
Basham : 0096 400301
Chitral  : 0343 412683
Gilgit:     058 11 454262 
Hunza  :  058 13457069
Kalam  :  03009704127
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1.75 Millions tourists visited Pakistan in 2017, PTDC

An Australian Travel blogger Sophee Smiles
The Pakistan Tourism Department corporation (PTDC) stated that , about 1750000(1.75 Million) foreigner tourists came to Pakistan in 2017. Following an improvement in the security situation, Tourism in Pakistan has increased by 300% over the past few years, it emerged on Wednesday.
 Statistics from the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) show that 30pc travellers were domestic.
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), last year, revenue from tourism contributed around $19.4 billions  (2398 billion PKR) to Pakistan's economy and made up 6.9% of gross domestic product. The WTTC expects that amount to rise to $36.1 billion within a decade.
Apart from an increase in annual tourism, there has been a significant increase in business travelling around the country as well.
A lot of credit for the rapid increase in tourism and travelling goes to publicity of different tourist spots through the internet.
The Govt has been making efforts to promote tourism and make PTDC a financially viable organisation, Managing Director PTDC Chaudhry Abdul Ghafoor told APP.
He said that PTDC and the University of Management and Technology (UMT) Lahore had signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the sponsorship of the tourism department's publicity material including banners, website, seminars, and conferences.
Products and services of PTDC will also be promoted through social media.
Recently, PTDC has also launched a Pakistan Tourism Friends Club, in which members of the club will get exclusive 20% discount on PTDC facilities.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How the dam Collapsed in Loas exactly - Footage, and analysis

Hundreds of people are missing after a hydroelectric dam collapsed in southern Laos, destroying thousands of homes and leaving an unknown number of dead.

5 billion cubic metres of water – the equivalent of 2m Olympic swimming pools – swept through the surrounding countryside after the accident at the Xepian-Xe Nam Noy hydropower dam, which is still under construction in south-eastern Attapeu province.

The dam collapsed at 8 pm local time (13:00 BST) on Monday, . The neighbouring villages of Yai Thae, Hinlad, Mai, Thasengchan, Tha Hin and Samong bore the brunt of flooding, which has reportedly destroyed thousands of homes.

Officials brought in boats to try to evacuate victims in San Sai district who were left stranded by the water. Aerial footage showed the whole region under muddy water, with only roofs and treetops visible

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Patan Kalan - Beautiful place of Abbottabad 15 KM from thandiani

If a Problem happen Click here to Watch this video on Youtube

                    اس کو اردو میں پڑھنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں

The Village Patan kalan is situated in 40 KM from the east of Abbottabad City, Surrounded by mountains.  The town rich of Naturally beauty, has 28,000 populations The economy of population is mostly dependent on the farming sector, which is still through a bull plough as a traditional way. As the trend is introducing day by day of tractor and modern machineryGovt Jobs are limited to Schools and Hospitals ,except the farming. There are approximately two high school and three to four primary schools and Hindko language is spoken in this town. In most nations, Qureshi, Abbasi, Awan and others are.People here are very courteous and submissive. Here's the rare dance in itself. charming Cascades ,Beautiful Waterfalls,stolen the hearts as the Canal who make the beauty of valley more charming,

Cross the small velly and fall into Kunhar river. To reach the Patan Kalan that is situated 7000 feets from sea level

have to 40 Kilometers Mountains travel to east side of Abbottabad city or to travel on  Highway, from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad and take exit from the Rara Bridge situated on Jhelum River

The bridge located on Jhelum River, is the border of Azad Kashmir and Province KPK before the division of Sub Continent Hindows were also living in this area that were moved other areas after the Establishment of Pakistan. The region suffered severe damage in the 2005 earthquake. And its maintenance conditions continued for the last few years.

It has famous tourist locations in the northwest of Thandiani and Abbottabad.While in the south is Azad Kashmir. is the largest and beautiful villages of Circle Bakkot or Galiyaat.


The union council is located on the north of Patan Klan, in the UC Kumking, Boi,
in the west, Thandiani, UC kathwal and in the south beran gali and Namal
Current local council members of Patan Kalan are
Abdulstar Qureshi, and Vice Chairman Mohammad Khursheed.
In the winter season in the area whereas the snowfall offers its charming scenes,
whereas the temperature
goes down below to the freezing point
Due to which many people temporarily
move in urban areas,
while the summer and summer season is
that is so attractive for Viewers
the Temperature of Pattan Kalan is less than 20 DCG in even summer
means never warm summer here.
the large number of tourists don't aware to this area that have natural beauty and comfortable aire
Bara Hoter Pattan Kalan


Saturday, 2 June 2018

History of Mankiala stupa,Near Rawat

The Mankiala Stupa (Urdu: مانكياله اسٹوپ‎) is a 2nd-century Buddhist stupa near the village of Tope Mankiala, in Pakistan's Punjab province. The stupa was built to commemorate the spot, where according to the Jataka tales, an incarnation of the Buddha sacrificed himself to feed seven hungry tiger cubs.


Mankiala stupa is located in the village of Tope Mankiala, near the village of Mankiala. It is 36 km southeast of Islamabad, and near the city of Rawalpindi. It is visible from the nearby historic Rawat Fort.


Relic from the stupa were taken during the British colonial era, and are now on display at the British Museum

The stupa was built to commemorate the spot, where according to the Jataka tales and popular belief, Prince Sattva, an earlier incarnation of the Buddha, sacrificed some of his body parts to feed seven hungry tiger cubs.


The stupa is said to have been built during the reign of Kanishka between 128-151 CE. An alternate theory suggest that the stupa is one of 84 such buildings, built during the reign of Mauryan emperor Ashoka to house the ashes of the Buddha.

The stupa was discovered by Mountstuart Elphinstone, the first British emissary to Afghanistan, in 1808 - a detailed account of which is in his memoir 'Kingdom of Caubul' (1815). The stupa contains an engraving which indicates that the stupa was restored in 1891.


Mankiala stupa's relic deposits were discovered by Jean-Baptiste Ventura in 1830. The relics were then removed from the site during the British Raj, and are now housed in the British Museum.


The stupa has not been restored since 1891, and remains largely abandoned. The stupa features a large defect in its mound, which was created by plunderers.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Girl reporting ,Heavy snow fall at Nathia Gali,

A tourist girl was sucked in Nathiagali in snowfall she said here is no rescue team and none is going to help us. We are sucked here for few days. She added that there is no team came here to re open the rode that was  destroyed through snow-falling.

Friday, 2 March 2018

History and Beauty Jammu & Kashmir

Kashmir subcontinent is the northwestern north of Pak. Historically Kashmir is the valley that is situated between the Himalayas and the mountain slopes of Pir Panjal.

Today, Kashmir is considered to be a huge area which includes Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh. In Kashmir, in the Kashmir-based Kashmir Kashmir Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Jammu & Kashmir are included in Gilgit and Baltistan. In 1848, on the other hand, Gilgit and Baltistan were conquered by the Dogra Raja of Kashmir. Earlier it was independent states. While making Pakistan, the area was in Kashmir. Valley of Kashmir Valley is a fertile land in many rivers. Because of its natural beauty, it is considered Paradise on earth.

The region is divided into three countries due to conflicts, in which the North-Eastern region (Northern Territory and Azad Kashmir), India's Central and Western regions (Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh) and China's Northeast areas (Sky Chan and Baluchistan region) ) Is handling. India, on the high mountains, including Siachen glacier, while Pakistan occupies relatively high mountainous mountains.

Kashmir, the green area is administered by
 Pakistan, orange is in India's management,
while China's control over Sky Chen

Kashmir is the main reason for dispute between Pakistan and India because India wants to loot all Kashmir resources and Pakistan wants to bring Kashmir independence. Pakistan understands Kashmir as a controversial region and gives religious colors, while before the distribution of the subcontinent, Kashmir has come to a separate autonomous state on which the Maharaja's personal rule and India say that Kashmir is its unimportant number and it is a controversial region. No, because Maharaja Hari Singh has been affiliated with Kashmir Bahrain, whereas if the Maharajja did not do this, Bahararat was murdered by his tribal and army, killing Kashmiri Hindus and patriotic Kashmiri people and respecting women. Both Pakistan and India have nuclear powers, which can help Kashmir's autonomy and autonomy There are a number of the world's most dangerous regional conflicts in Kashmir. Both the countries have fought three wars on Kashmir, including the war of 1947, the war of 1965 and the Kargal war of 1999, the 1971 war was due to Bengal.

India currently occupies the maximum part of Kashmir region, 101,387 square kilometers while Pakistan 85,846 and China 37,555 square kilometers.

The area of ​​northern Kashmir is spread at 13,350 square kilometers (5134 square miles), while the area of ​​northern areas is 72,496 square kilometers (27,991 square miles) which consists of Gilgit and Baltistan. The division was part of Ladakh province of the province before India and its capital city was a capital of Scorpio Ladakh.

Real sense of Kashmir

The origin of the valley from ancient water, describes a reality confirmed by prominent experts geology and shows how the country was derived from the desiccation process- Ka means "water" and Shimir Means "drying" Therefore, Kashmir stands for "a land desiccated from water". An ideology corpse - which is in Kashmir before me or Kashyapmir or Kashyapmeru, is also the case of "Mount of the sea or Kashyapa", which takes Kashmir to be a contraction of Baba ancient lake Satisar, which is in front of Kashmir. was done. The name of Nilamata Parishma Mera ", which means the mountain of the sea lake or Baba Kashyapa (includes the Valley of Kashmir Valley). Mira, ocean or boundary in Sanskrit means that it is becoming an imprint of Amma. And this world is known today that Kashmir is Kashmiris, however, call Kashir, which it has been voiced by Kashmir. The ancient Greeks said it as Kasperia. Kaspatros of Hecataeus (Apud Stephen's Apostle) and Kaspatyros of Herodits (3.102, 4.44) which has been marked with Kashyapa-Puerto, India also considered to be a country of Bismillas, which is believed to be a country. J and in some countries it is still spelled in this way. A tribal tribe, Kash is named (which means a deep slash in the regional language), is believed to be cities of Kashish and Kashgar, Not to confuse Kashii with the Kashyapi tribe. The land and people were known as Kashir 'from which' Kashmir was also obtained from there.


Islam in Kashmir started in the beginning of the fourteenth century with the Sufi Bullabil Shah Qalandar from Tajikistan and one thousand of his patients. Buddhist Raja Ranchin, influenced by religious thought and pledged allegiance to the king's hand. Thus, Raja Rinchenselan became Kashmir's first Muslim ruler in the name of President. Later, an Iranian Sufi Syed Ali Humdani, seven hundred preachers, came to Kashmir through the party of artists and artists and was born of the culture which identified modern Kashmir. They entered thousands of Hindus into Islam-78% of Azad Kashmir's population and 78 percent of the northern territories. Because 12 percent of the Islamic countries are Shi'ite Shiites in Bulgaria and 10 percent of Ismaili Shiites in Gilgit. In Azad Kashmir, the majority of 98% of the population is Sunni Muslim.


India wants to loot the resources of the Kashmir's paradise, and the US imperialism is taking both the countries in battle and taking their interests from both countries. India and the support of the development and socialist parties of India, freedom of independence and independence. Are there

Aksai Chen wide 37,555 square kilometers in the China-administered part.

According to Indian sources, 70% of the population is Muslims in Indian occupied Kashmir (2001). The remaining population consists of Buddh, Hindu, Sikh, Shaheeh, Murziyyat and Digramzeb.


Friday, 2 February 2018

UNWTO declared that Pakistan is best suited country for Tourism

The United Nations’ World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) representatives, declared Pakistan as the best suited country for tourism with need to improve image through correct projection in the world.

Addressing a workshop on Tourism , UNWTO Regional Director of Asia and Pacific, Harry Hwang and UNWTO Expert, George Drakopoulos stressed upon the need for adopting measures and strategy to make PTDC more active besides ensuring the participation of Pakistan in international tourism exhibitions. In this regard, UNWTO is ready to extend its support to PTDC “There is a great deal of importance in the country, federal level tourism organization to introduce Pakistan’s tourism sector throughout the world. The absence of Pakistan in international tourism creates negative impression” they added.

The government of Pakistan might also consider providing facility of visa on arrival besides ensuring the security of the tourists coming from foreign countries. They termed adventure tourism one of the basic elements to bring Pakistan among the top tourism destination in the world.The participation of UNWTO representatives in our workshops would help in projecting positive image of Pakistan among the people around the world He on the occasion said that PTDC headed by managing director, Ghafoor Khan has taken practical and effective steps for promoting tourism in Pakistan otherwise this sector remained neglected in the past.

Earlier, in his welcome address, the PTDC Managing Director, Ghafoor Khan said the workshop is being held for the promotion and development of tourism in Pakistan with the objective of portraying peace and tourist friendly image across the world.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Pakistan rescue to start for 'Killer Mountain' climbers

Efforts for rescue a Polish man and a French woman stranded on Pakistan's second highest peak will begin on Saturday, authorities said.
Tomek Mackiewicz and Elisabeth Revol were attempting to ascend Nanga Parbat, known as Killer Mountain, when they got stuck at 7,400m (24,280 feet).
They used a satellite phone to call for help to descend the 8,120 meeters mountain.
Climbers with binoculars at the base camp spotted Ms Revol trying to climb down, while Mr Mackiewicz was crawling.
"They had spent one night outside the camp and the Polish mountaineer has got frostbite and snow blindness so he is not able to climb down," a local climber in contact with the base camp team told the AFP news agency.
Four members of a team of Polish climbers attempting the first winter summit of nearby K2, the world's second highest mountain, will assist in the rescue operation.
They will be transported by a Pakistani army helicopter and "brought from K2 to Nanga Parbat and then the operation will begin," Asghar Porik of Jasmine Tours told Reuters.

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Pak Tour Productions is a site about videos and Article discription of Beautiful places of Pakistan and world, Stunning thing around you. It's also about content that have fun, funny videos, Amazing things of Pakistan,and All tourists places hotels and hotels rates and other news. Mostly we represent videos from beautiful and romantic places from Villages of Northern areas like Gilgit Baltistan, Abottabad , Thandiyani, naran kaghan,Swat Mala kand. We represent those villages that people have never seen,world has never seen but they are charming and romantic places to to visit, people can go there and make fun. on their honey moons tour trips and other.We show real beauty of pakistan. Pak tour productions

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