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Friday, 2 March 2018

History and Beauty Jammu & Kashmir

Kashmir subcontinent is the northwestern north of Pak. Historically Kashmir is the valley that is situated between the Himalayas and the mountain slopes of Pir Panjal.

Today, Kashmir is considered to be a huge area which includes Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh. In Kashmir, in the Kashmir-based Kashmir Kashmir Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Jammu & Kashmir are included in Gilgit and Baltistan. In 1848, on the other hand, Gilgit and Baltistan were conquered by the Dogra Raja of Kashmir. Earlier it was independent states. While making Pakistan, the area was in Kashmir. Valley of Kashmir Valley is a fertile land in many rivers. Because of its natural beauty, it is considered Paradise on earth.

The region is divided into three countries due to conflicts, in which the North-Eastern region (Northern Territory and Azad Kashmir), India's Central and Western regions (Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh) and China's Northeast areas (Sky Chan and Baluchistan region) ) Is handling. India, on the high mountains, including Siachen glacier, while Pakistan occupies relatively high mountainous mountains.

Kashmir, the green area is administered by
 Pakistan, orange is in India's management,
while China's control over Sky Chen

Kashmir is the main reason for dispute between Pakistan and India because India wants to loot all Kashmir resources and Pakistan wants to bring Kashmir independence. Pakistan understands Kashmir as a controversial region and gives religious colors, while before the distribution of the subcontinent, Kashmir has come to a separate autonomous state on which the Maharaja's personal rule and India say that Kashmir is its unimportant number and it is a controversial region. No, because Maharaja Hari Singh has been affiliated with Kashmir Bahrain, whereas if the Maharajja did not do this, Bahararat was murdered by his tribal and army, killing Kashmiri Hindus and patriotic Kashmiri people and respecting women. Both Pakistan and India have nuclear powers, which can help Kashmir's autonomy and autonomy There are a number of the world's most dangerous regional conflicts in Kashmir. Both the countries have fought three wars on Kashmir, including the war of 1947, the war of 1965 and the Kargal war of 1999, the 1971 war was due to Bengal.

India currently occupies the maximum part of Kashmir region, 101,387 square kilometers while Pakistan 85,846 and China 37,555 square kilometers.

The area of ​​northern Kashmir is spread at 13,350 square kilometers (5134 square miles), while the area of ​​northern areas is 72,496 square kilometers (27,991 square miles) which consists of Gilgit and Baltistan. The division was part of Ladakh province of the province before India and its capital city was a capital of Scorpio Ladakh.

Real sense of Kashmir

The origin of the valley from ancient water, describes a reality confirmed by prominent experts geology and shows how the country was derived from the desiccation process- Ka means "water" and Shimir Means "drying" Therefore, Kashmir stands for "a land desiccated from water". An ideology corpse - which is in Kashmir before me or Kashyapmir or Kashyapmeru, is also the case of "Mount of the sea or Kashyapa", which takes Kashmir to be a contraction of Baba ancient lake Satisar, which is in front of Kashmir. was done. The name of Nilamata Parishma Mera ", which means the mountain of the sea lake or Baba Kashyapa (includes the Valley of Kashmir Valley). Mira, ocean or boundary in Sanskrit means that it is becoming an imprint of Amma. And this world is known today that Kashmir is Kashmiris, however, call Kashir, which it has been voiced by Kashmir. The ancient Greeks said it as Kasperia. Kaspatros of Hecataeus (Apud Stephen's Apostle) and Kaspatyros of Herodits (3.102, 4.44) which has been marked with Kashyapa-Puerto, India also considered to be a country of Bismillas, which is believed to be a country. J and in some countries it is still spelled in this way. A tribal tribe, Kash is named (which means a deep slash in the regional language), is believed to be cities of Kashish and Kashgar, Not to confuse Kashii with the Kashyapi tribe. The land and people were known as Kashir 'from which' Kashmir was also obtained from there.


Islam in Kashmir started in the beginning of the fourteenth century with the Sufi Bullabil Shah Qalandar from Tajikistan and one thousand of his patients. Buddhist Raja Ranchin, influenced by religious thought and pledged allegiance to the king's hand. Thus, Raja Rinchenselan became Kashmir's first Muslim ruler in the name of President. Later, an Iranian Sufi Syed Ali Humdani, seven hundred preachers, came to Kashmir through the party of artists and artists and was born of the culture which identified modern Kashmir. They entered thousands of Hindus into Islam-78% of Azad Kashmir's population and 78 percent of the northern territories. Because 12 percent of the Islamic countries are Shi'ite Shiites in Bulgaria and 10 percent of Ismaili Shiites in Gilgit. In Azad Kashmir, the majority of 98% of the population is Sunni Muslim.


India wants to loot the resources of the Kashmir's paradise, and the US imperialism is taking both the countries in battle and taking their interests from both countries. India and the support of the development and socialist parties of India, freedom of independence and independence. Are there

Aksai Chen wide 37,555 square kilometers in the China-administered part.

According to Indian sources, 70% of the population is Muslims in Indian occupied Kashmir (2001). The remaining population consists of Buddh, Hindu, Sikh, Shaheeh, Murziyyat and Digramzeb.



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