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Monday, 1 October 2018

Meet first Balouch vlogger girl Anita

Balochistan's first Girl Vlogger

Its lack of development city, Gwadar, Baluchistan province,, has probably not seen you before the idea that this  girl is showing you.

In the society of Balochistan, where girls are facing restrictions on working outside, a girl in Hazara community has the honor of getting the first drought in Balochistan. To achieve this, they had to go through the inevitable steps,

 This Baloch teen girl, Anita Jalil, is an herger whose YouTube channel is gaining popularity every day.

Anita wanted to do something by removing ordinary girls, she thought that people see Gwadar as TVs because they should not be removed from the actual face of Gwadar.

For this he had to get out on which his family did not agree. Anita took 3 years to accept the parents.

After that, he started putting videos on various places of Gwadar, the people there, their lives and their problems, and started putting them on YouTube.

Anita thought it was an expensive Idea for which she would need to learn the Beast Price camera and much more. But with a kind of friendly consultation, he started making videos from the mobile.

After a few videos the people began to react, which was very motivated. Along with this, criticism and threats started on it.

Anita Jalil Baloch is Gwadar’s first female vlogger who has made quite the impression on the Pakistani audience. Anita is the daughter of a government official; her father is a pilot in PIA. Her mother who passed away 3 years ago.



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